One's habitat Blog

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Pseudogobio polysticta


スナゴカマツカの生態写真です。多摩川水系で撮影したので、クレードCということでしょう2019年に東日本の系統はスナゴカマツカ Pseudogobio polystictaとして記載されました。この写真の個体は交雑の可能性あるのでは?とかいう話は置いといてください。


I tried taking ecology photographs of Pseudogobio esocinus. I took photo in the Tama River water system. Pseudogobio pike gudgeon of this area was described as a new species as Pseudogobio polystictaBecause of the sandy bottom, cloudiness took place when walking, and shooting was difficult.


This is an ordinary species. The cheek face is lovely. I am happy every time I can see this. Kamatsuka is often camouflaged and sometimes dives in the sand, so it is difficult to see from the surface of the water, but you can see it occasionally. I hear that Kamatsuka is delicious, but I haven't ever eaten.

※ 2019.4.24 記載されたため追記.